Learn more about the new “Caring for Creation” mural at Grace Lutheran Church in Kenosha — and how it brought the community together to imagine a future where every Child of God is valued and cared for.

Welcome to the second week of Outreach for Hope’s 2022 End-of-Year Giving Campaign! This December, we hope to raise $50,000 for grants to our 2023 Ministry Partners, to support their service of people in need.

We’re honored to invite our community of supporters to join us as we celebrate the impact of our Ministry Partners over the past year. As families struggle to make ends meet, our Ministry Partners have stepped up to meet the ever-growing demand for direct services that address basic needs… all while continuing to do the transformative, Gospel-inspired work that makes them centers of hope in our communities.

Even as we reflect on the past year, we imagine in hope all that God has in store for us in the year to come! We’re excited to share that Outreach for Hope has expanded the number of grants we’re funding in 2023, to 20 Ministry Partners across Southeast Wisconsin.

Will you consider contributing to our End-of-Year Giving Appeal, to help fund our 2023 Ministry Partner grants?

Thank you for supporting Outreach for Hope in our mutual work of ministry, as we walk with our Ministry Partners who serve people who need to know of God’s love, grace, and goodness at Christmas time and always. And may God bless you and yours this season as well!

In Christmas Hope,
Pastor Chris Manke
Executive Director of Outreach for Hope

Prefer to donate by mail? Send your check made out to “Outreach for Hope” to PO Box 341695, Milwaukee WI 53234.


GIFTS OF STOCKS & BONDS: Fill out the Stock Donation form linked here and submit it to inform us of the intended transfer. Once the transfer is complete, you will receive a letter outlining the details of your donation. Outreach for Hope will liquidate these assets at the time they are received.

GIFTS OF PROPERTY: Both commercial and residential real estate can be donated to Outreach for Hope. In some instances, gifts of residential real estate may be designed to allow you and your spouse to occupy the property during your lifetime(s), while reaping immediate and substantial tax benefits. Real estate gifts are subject to acceptance approval by the Outreach for Hope Board of Directors and the Greater Milwaukee Synod Council. Contact Phil Smith at 414-671-1212 for more information.