One month from today, our annual Lenten Devotion series will be back with “Together in Hope: Stories of Partnership“!

Mondays through Saturdays from Ash Wednesday (March 2) through Easter Vigil (April 16), we’ll be releasing 40 days of video devotions by our Ministry Partners, supporters and staff.

We invite you to take the chance to prepare by signing up to receive these devotions on your preferred platform:

  • EMAIL: If you didn’t already subscribe to our Lenten Devotions email list in a previous year, click here to sign up to receive daily emails with links to our video devotions and written transcripts. (Make sure to select “Yes, sign me up for Lenten Devotion updates!” for the final question on the sign-up form.)
  • YOUTUBE: Subscribe to Outreach for Hope on YouTube to get in-app notifications when we release new video devotions.
  • SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow us @OutreachForHope on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to see links to new devotion videos on your social media timeline.
  • PRINT PDF: Visit our Lenten Devotion webpage to download the full set of devotion written transcripts as a printable PDF when it becomes available. (Please note that we will not be printing and mailing hard copies of this year’s devotions.)

We hope this series will inspire you to reflect on the gifts of partnership and accompaniment, and how we might put them into practice within our own faith community. May our Savior’s spirit of abundant grace and love be with you and yours this Lenten season!