Just One More Ministry ‘rescues’ prepared and fresh food that would have been discarded by local restaurants, grocery stores, bakeries and delis. They also supplement the rescued food with food purchased and prepared by volunteers. Each week they distribute over 2000 health meals to 20 inner-city partners, many run by congregations that receive funding from Outreach for Hope.
Breaking the Chains, a ministry of the Greater Milwaukee Synod-ELCA, is located at the Felmers Chaney Correctional Center. It is affiliated with the nation-wide network of Prison Congregations of America. This congregation is served by an ordained pastor, along with a group of volunteers from congregations in the synod.
The Urban Outreach Center provides services to over 1,500 individuals each year, with Bible Study, free clothing closet, infant supplies, GED and computer classes, youth programs and legal advice. Its mission to the poor is to help develop self-sufficient, caring, and participating members of the community.

Located just blocks from the large empty space that was once an American Motors manufacturing plant, the diverse neighborhood Grace serves is faced with many economic challenges. One ministry it offers is the Grace Welcome Center, a daytime drop-in center for homeless to get breakfast and opportunities to be connected and feel welcomed during the day.