It’s time for Outreach for Hope’s 2020 End of Year giving campaign!
Your generous gifts allow us to support the work of our Ministry Partners across Southeast Wisconsin through work that is more vital now than ever. Please consider taking a moment to share an annual gift or pledge in support of our 2021 Ministry Partner grants.
Also, If you have questions about giving or would like to speak with someone about Outreach for Hope, please reach out to our Executive Director, Pastor Chris Manke. He would welcome an opportunity to discuss the good things happening through OFH. Chris can be reached by emailing him at, or calling his phone number at 414-248-6423. Thanks for your consideration!
This Christmas, Give the Gift of Generosity

If you’re making your donation in honor of a family member, friend or acquaintance, we will mail you a certificate to give them as a Christmas gift!
Special 2020 Charitable Deduction Rule
Most taxpayers take advantage of the standard deduction when they are filing their Federal Income Tax Returns. The CARES Act provides an additional, “above-the-line” charitable deduction on top of the standard deduction for these taxpayers.
Taxpayers who do not itemize their deductions can take a one-time deduction of up to $300 for charitable gifts, including those made to Outreach for Hope. The deduction applies ONLY for gifts (made by check or credit card) made in the calendar year 2020. If you are not itemizing on your 2020 taxes, you can claim this new deduction.
Not sure if you have donated up to the $300 limit to Outreach for Hope this year? Email for a quick summary of your gifts from the calendar year 2020.
Other Ways to Give…
Did you know, there are more ways to support Outreach for Hope than with a cash donation? We invite you to consider any of the following options below as the Christmas and the end of year approaches.
Also, our Executive Director, Pastor Chris Manke, would be happy to discuss any of these options with you and answer any questions you may have about Outreach for Hope or ways you could support our life giving ministry partners.
Thank you for your consideration!
Pledged Gifts: Because the needs of Outreach for Hope congregations and ministries are on-going, we are grateful for those who make a commitment of support beyond a one-time gift. This gives Outreach for Hope a clearer picture of its expected donations, and allows you to give in whatever rhythm works for you: annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly. You can arrange for automatic donations through your bank account or credit card. Outreach for Hope encourages donors to consider a three-year pledge. Please note your pledge on the Donation Form linked here.
Gifts Matched by Companies: You may wish to check if your employer has a matching donation program by which the company matches the gift of their employees with a corporate gift. Often the company provides a form to give to the charity at the time of your donation. Please indicate your company’s involvement as you fill out the Donation Form linked here. For recognition purposes, we credit matching gifts to the employee unless otherwise informed.
Gifts of Stocks and Bonds: Stocks, bonds, and similar assets make excellent gifts to Outreach for Hope and are gladly received. Such donations enable the donor to claim the current market value of the assets as a tax deduction, while taxes on capital gains and transfer fees are avoided. Outreach for Hope will liquidate these assets at the time they are received. Please fill out the Stock Donation Form linked here and submit it to inform us of the intended transfer. Once the transfer is complete, you will receive a letter outlining the details of your donation. The EIN # for Outreach for Hope is 20-5218843.
Gifts of Property: Both commercial and residential real estate can be donated to Outreach for Hope. In some instances, gifts of residential real estate may be designed to allow you and your spouse to occupy the property during your lifetime(s), while reaping immediate and substantial tax benefits. Real estate gifts are subject to acceptance approval by the Outreach for Hope Board of Directors and the Greater Milwaukee Synod Council. Contact Phil Smith at 414.671.1212 for more information.