It’s that time of year again! Outreach for Hope is once again purchasing winter coats to be given away via our Ministry Partners throughout the Greater Milwaukee Synod, ELCA.

Amid record-breaking inflation, families are struggling more than ever to make ends meet. For our 2022 Clothes for the Cold drive, we’re asking you to help us step up to the challenge by raising $4000 by the end of this month to secure 400 winter coats, hats and more for our neighbors in need!

These vital winter apparel items are crucial to keeping people safe in our Wisconsin winters, especially for people who find themselves homeless or in living environments where the heat has been turned off.

Each $10 donation means one more coat purchased, helping one more person stay warm in the bitter cold. Will you sponsor winter coats for an individual, a couple, or a family with children?

Prefer to donate by mail? Send your cash or check made out to “Outreach for Hope” with “Clothes for the Cold” in the memo line to PO Box 341695, Milwaukee WI 53234.

Thank you so much for your commitment to giving the gift of warmth this winter!

In Christ’s Spirit of Gratitude,
The Outreach for Hope Team

Have questions? Contact us at or 414-671-1212.