Thank you to all those who supported the Outreach for Hope 2021 Ride Run Walk by donating, fundraising or joining us in-person on Saturday, September 25! We’re back to share our final fundraising total, as well as a few other exciting announcements…


We’re excited to share that we have not only met, but EXCEEDED our stretch goal of $150K… and raised a total of $152,910!! 100% of your gifts will go towards grants to central city congregations in the Greater Milwaukee Synod, ELCA!

Special thanks to the 501 riders, walkers, virtual participants, and volunteers who registered for this year’s event. We were especially moved by the numerous registrants who raised separate donations from their family and friends; by the support we received from donors in 15 different states; by the number of new faces we saw this year; and even by the fundraising page with an eye-catching photo of Nancy Walker and Bounty paper towels!


Our RRW Event Coordinator, Emily Wanezek, writes, “thank you so much for your time, energy, and enthusiasm for the 2021 Ride Run Walk! Whether you joined us in-person or virtually, made a donation, or volunteered at one of the sites, your participation was appreciated and crucial to the success of the event. It was genuinely heartwarming to witness the engagement and interest in working toward the common goal of raising funds for Outreach for Hope’s Ministry Partners. In addition, your kind notes of support and well wishes along the way have made me so thankful to be a part of this wonderful organization and community of people.”

Special thanks to the Siebert Foundation for providing dessert from Pete’s Pops at our in-person RRW sites!

This year, we had approximately 700 donations to the RRW – from registrants; their family, friends, co-workers and fellow congregants; from congregations throughout the Greater Milwaukee Synod; from sponsors and other businesses; and from many others who simply showed an interest in supporting the work that Outreach for Hope’s Ministry Partners make possible. A big THANK YOU to all who donated!

Thank you to our top ten individual fundraisers in alphabetical order:

  1. Linda Arshem
  2. Jordan Beck
  3. Jim Bickel
  4. Kelly Davis
  5. Dave and Barb Hammer
  6. Dylan Mann
  7. Jack Newman
  8. Thomas Shaffer
  9. Neil, Bonnie and Cassandra Voskuil
  10. Stan Winarski

Thank you, as well, to everyone who created one of our 46 Team Fundraisers! Here are our top ten team fundraisers in alphabetical order:

  1. Ascension, Waukesha
  2. Christ the King, Delafield
  3. Emaus ELCA, Racine
  4. Galilee, Pewaukee
  5. Grace, Thiensville
  6. Holy Cross, Menomonee Falls
  7. Our Savior’s, Oconomowoc
  8. St. Matthew’s, Wauwatosa
  9. Team Curley (Resurrection, New Berlin & Reformation, Milwaukee)
  10. Trinity, Cedarburg


We’re still accepting donations to our 2021 Ride Run Walk through October 31! We’ve reached our stretch goal– but every dollar we raise above that means even more vital services can be funded for the year ahead.

  • FUNDRAISE ONLINE: Click here to log in to the Fundraiser Page you created during online registration, and share it with family and friends. (NOTE: If you didn’t register online, please use the two options below instead.)
  • DONATE ONLINE: Click here to make an online donation to the event itself, or an individual or team fundraiser.
  • DONATE OR FUNDRAISE BY MAIL: Print and complete our print pledge form linked here (see the form for instructions on how and when to return it to us). You may also ask friends and family to mail us donations at PO Box 341695, Milwaukee WI 53234 (with checks made payable to Outreach for Hope).


Check out photo albums for all of our in-person event sites…

Thank you to all of our multimedia volunteers and participants who shared their photos from Saturday, September 25!


If you haven’t yet done so, please be sure to complete our post-event survey linked here. Your feedback will help make next year’s event even better!


2022 OFH Ride Run Walk
Saturday, September 24, 2022