Dear Siblings in Christ,
Blessings to you all during these difficult times! As we all begin to make necessary changes to slow the spread of the Novel Coronavirus, Outreach for Hope is taking the following steps:
- Our physical office has been closed to the public, and our staff are now working from home. For the time being, we are conducting all meetings via phone and video-conferencing platforms. If you need to get in touch with one of us, please reach out via the email or phone extension listed here. If you choose to call, an audio recording of your voicemail will be emailed to the appropriate staff person, and they will call you back on their cell phone.
- Lenten Devotions will continue via email and Facebook. You can also access the full PDF booklet here.
- Our 2020 Family Bike Ride scheduled for September 12 will continue as planned. Stay tuned for online registration, which will open towards the end of this month.
Finally, know that the need for your generosity is greater than ever. Children home from school need to eat; food pantries need to keep their shelves stocked and their volunteer lists full; and pastors are called upon to minister to their congregations through times of crisis.As you are financially able, please consider making a one-time or recurring gift today to ensure that such life-giving ministries can continue to serve low-income neighborhoods in the Greater Milwaukee Synod!
Stay Well,
Michael Groh
Interim Executive Director, Outreach for Hope